Monday, September 27, 2010

Restore Type?

I'm sure I've written about this before, but I wanted to remind myself. I've been digging through the exe again trying to find out what the "Restore Type" really is in Attacks and Items. Well, it looks strange. For Attack's part, it looks like that byte is ignored completely. It does something for Items though, but it looks like only in the menu. Here's the deal. There's basically a function I called GetRestoreType that takes two parameters: A constant that tells it which RestoreType to get, and an index. The constant can be 0, 2, or 4. Anything else and it acts like a 0 was passed.
Passing a 0 returns a null value, passing a 2 would return an Attack's RestoreType, passing a 4 would return an Item's RestoreType. Well, the game never passes it a 2. Attacks' RestoreType is pointless. Here's how it breaks down:

Outside of function:

if (getRestoreType(4, ItemIndex) != -1) call some_sub(-1, -1, 15h)

if (getRestoreType(0, "Something") != -1) call some_sub(-1, -1, 15h)

long getRestoreType(int constant, int Index)
   int tempRestoreType = 255;
   long returnValue = -1;

   if (constant == 4)
      if (Index < 127)
         tempRestoreType = ItemData(Index).RestoreType;
   elseif (constant == 2)
      tempRestoreType = AttackData(Index + 72).RestoreType; //E.Skill Attack Indexes
   if (tempRestoreType != 255) returnValue = tempRestoreType;

   return returnValue;
Then, after the function calls mentioned above, the returned value is checked against -1 and a sub is called. Thing is, the one that passes a 0 will always return a -1 so that one's worthless. The one that passes a 4 returns the item's RestoreType just fine, but doesn't seem to do anything with it once it has it. The sub that is called is sub_6D0AF9(-1, -1, 15h) with an unknown function. This is its code:
some_sub (long val1, long val2, byte offset)
   *[0xDC2068 + offset] = 1;
   if (!(val1 = -1 || val2 = -1))
      *[0xDC3630 + offset * 98h] = val1;
      *[0xDC3630 + offset * 98h + 2] = val2;
   *[0xDC3630 + offset * 98h + 8] = (([0xDC3630 + offset * 98h  + 4] - val1) >> 1);
   *[0xDC3630 + offset * 98h + 10] = (([0xDC3630 + offset * 98h  + 6] - offset * 98h) >> 1);
   *[0xDC3630 + offset * 98h + 12] = 2;
   *[0xDC3630 + offset * 98h + 14] = 2;
   call off_91E638[offset*4];
For items, the offset will always be 15h so we can fill in the blanks and simplify:
some_sub (-1, -1, 15h)
   *[0xDC207D] = 1;
   *[0xDC42B0] = (([0xDC42BC] + 1) >> 1);
   *[0xDC42B2] = (([0xDC42BE] - C78h) >> 1);
   *[0xDC42B4] = 2;
   *[0xDC42B6] = 2;
   call off_91E68C;

off_91E68C is labeled as some system function "__initp_misc_winxfltr_88". I have no idea what that means. Winxfltr looks like some kind of error message library. The other addresses are part of a large set that I don't see any significance to in the code, but I'm sure there is one once the game is running.

That's all I have on this.

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